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Diet Or Exercise: What Matters More For Weight Loss?

“Exercise doesn’t matter. You just have to eat less”  “Diet doesn’t matter much, as long as you exercise.” A new...

Resolutions? OUT! Habits Are The New Black

New Year’s resolutions?  Ho-hum.  According to a new study, most New Year’s resolutions, at least those related to eating and...

Know MSG & You’ll Never “No MSG”!

NOTE: I’ve partnered with The Glutamate Association for many years, but this post is strictly my own – all based...

Comfort Food Alert! 3 Top Nutritionists Share Theirs (No Kale Here!)

If there were EVER a time when we want comfort food, it’s now.  Sure, we want nutrition, but “in these...

Post-Halloween! Where to Cut Back on Sugar – And Where NOT To!

Every diet, whether faddish or sensible, recommends cutting back on sugar.  Even if your weight is fine, sugar reduction is...

A REALLY Plant-Based Meal — With Beef!

When people tell me “I don’t eat meat, I’m plant-based,” the implication is that plant-based diets can’t include meat, poultry,...