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NYC Fancy Food Show: What Was BEST?

Picture it: 60 aisles over 2 huge floors of a behemoth convention center, all focused on “specialty food.” It’s 3...

“Ultra-Processed Foods”: Study Says Consumers Are Ultra-Confused!

You constantly hear: “We eat too many processed foods.” Recommendations by everyone from credible experts to celebrities and other less-than-credible...

Blueberries & Green Beans: A “Dirty Duo”? C’mon!

It’s that time of year, when the Environmental Working Group (EWG) issues its Dirty Dozen list of produce with the most...

Cocoa Powder: From Heavy Metals, To Health Claim?

I’ve written before about positive research on chocolate, here, here and here. I’ve written — the facts — about lead...

Lead & Cadmium In Chocolate? Hey, N.B.D.!

he words “lead, cadmium, & chocolate” together spell clickbait. Include kids and it leads the 11 o’clock news.  Those optics...


When you think of beef, seaweed isn’t the first association you might make, and vice versa.  When many people today...