Posts filed under: For Us Foodies

Big Apple Diversity: More Here Than Meets The Eye

Four apples that look alike, but they’re four different varieties – and they taste different. When people say “I don’t...

Foodie Alert! Finding New Fruits & Veggies At NY Produce Show

If you want to know what brings out the “food nerd” in this registered dietitian/nutritionist, watch me at the New...

Holidays, Eating, & Why Everyone Needs This “Drug”!

NO ONE wants to hear about health stuff this month.  Save that for January!  We want our “once-a-year-foods”, so stay...

My “Improv” Beef Salad: Absolutely Plant-Based

Whenever I notice lots of odds and ends in the fridge, (think half can of kidney beans, a small hunk...

When Did “Plant-based” Become “Plants ONLY”?

When the New York State Assembly said so.  They recently passed A04072,, requiring all hospitals to – upon request –...

Got a Salty Tongue? New Study Says It’s Not So Bad!

Hypertension and “low-sodium diet” seem to go together like two peas in an unsalted pod.  Salt, has been one of...

Food Fashions: Full-Frontal & Fickle!

It’s coming up on Fashion Week in New York and while that’s all about styles of clothes, foods come into...

For 2019: Beets Go Big Keto’s “King” & “Ya Gotta Have A Gimmick!”

What kinds of diets do consumers want?  My previous post noted the top 3 diets – from a scientific standpoint...

Holiday Eating: Everything in Moderation…Including Moderation!

Julia Child actually said that line, but I like it, and I LOVE Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday, because it’s...

Family Meals: You Don’t Have To Go Big, Just Go Home

Eating together as a family – however you define your family – has always been a good thing, but now...