Posts filed under: Facts vs Junk

Feeding Your Immune System Takes Guts! How’s Yours?

One nutrition trend that peaked everyone’s interest in 2020 was “immune-boosting foods”. Understandable, too, with COVID-19 keeping the entire world...

Know MSG & You’ll Never “No MSG”!

NOTE: I’ve partnered with The Glutamate Association for many years, but this post is strictly my own – all based...

Post-Halloween! Where to Cut Back on Sugar – And Where NOT To!

Every diet, whether faddish or sensible, recommends cutting back on sugar.  Even if your weight is fine, sugar reduction is...

A REALLY Plant-Based Meal — With Beef!

When people tell me “I don’t eat meat, I’m plant-based,” the implication is that plant-based diets can’t include meat, poultry,...

More Than Ever, We Need “Polypills” & “Activity Snacks”

Even “BC” (before COVID), much of the world was pretty sedentary, and our new “pandemic lifestyles” haven’t helped. Now a...

Obese? Canadian Docs Say It’s About Health, Not The Scale

I’ve worked with so many overweight and obese adults and children whose weight was seriously impacting their health: diabetes, hypertension,...

Food Is Medicine…But Some Restrictions Apply

Did Hippocrates really say, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”?  Probably not, but he often gets...

When a Pharmacist Talks With a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist….

Dr. Jessica Nouhavandi, PharmD, co-founder and co-CEO of Culver City-based Honeybee Health, asked me recently what it’s like to think...

News Flash: Fresh Produce Is Safe To Eat!!!

When I hit the supermarket these days, I’m seeing canned and frozen vegetables and fruits flying off the shelves.  All...

COVID-19: 5 Steps To Make Some Lemonade Of It ALL!

Amid a pandemic like COVID-19, the hysteria seems to build and change by the hour.  Businesses are shut, so are...