freshman15For new college students, “back to school” can mean a new school and a new living space as well, for those leaving home.  That usually means getting accustomed to all sorts of changes: dorm room, a roommate, and all that dorm cafeteria food.

Dorm food has come a long way, and there are now tons of options, whether you’re a vegetarian, a vegan, or a carnivore, plus there’s more attention to locally-produced food.  But dorm dining is, by nature, an “all-you-can-eat” arrangement, and that can translate to “eat-all-you-can” if students aren’t careful.  Some guidance here is useful and Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania does just that, with their 3-day “Introduction to the Dining Hall”.  Read more about the program and my comments in an article on  To help you understand more about how to make the college dining hall work for you WITHOUT gaining the “Freshman 15” read my post in The Doctor’s Tablet